Making PBL Personal
The main idea of the conversational focus is to discuss project-based learning and share ideas how teachers can encourage voice and choice with each of the PBL elements. We will discuss the following questions: 1. What is the difference of PBL vs. Projects? 2. How can you engage your learners as soon as you introduce the topic? 3. How can you have your learners take more responsibility in their roles in their group? 4. Why is it important to include Knows and Needs to Know? 5. How do you have your learners pitch their ideas and provide constructive feedback? 6. What types of assessment works so the PBL becomes more personal for each learner?
Conversational Practice
The conversational protocols: 1. Save the Last Word for Me involving research around the questions. 2. Sharing Best Practices 3. Design Thinking Process: Yes, But — Yes, And 4. What? So What? Now What?
Conversation Links
Meredith MartinSLAMS
Darlynn AlfallaWagner Middle School MS167
Mark ClementeFloyd E Kellam High School
Rebecca GaunaLindblom Math and Science Academy
Kevin Jarrett
Corina FioreChallenger Learning Center of Philadelphia
Michael CostelloSt. John's County School District
Shari HiltbrandThe Kinkaid School
Renee MooreMississippi Delta Community College, Center for Teaching Quality, #EduColor
Michael FranklinSLA-MS
Deann Clawson
Barbara BrayRethinking Learning
Scott KinkophBrecksville Broadview Heights Schools
Pam ForeFort Osage School District
Donna EverettPolk County Schools
Erin StamperSt, Paul's School
Joseph Martino
GUSTAVO SEGREDOConcordia University Chicago
Rachel Davison
Glenn MosesMarxist
Stacey LindesWest Windsor-Plainsboro
Sebastian GluzmanThe Shipley School
Erica PragaExcel Academy South
Randy ZiegenfussSalisbury Township School District
Robert ZeitlinSchool District of Philadelphia
Jenna ChervenicThe Alternative School for Math & Science
David TrussInquiry Hub and Coquitlam Open Learning
Alex NorthrupFoxcroft School
James Oakley
Lauren Levites
Courtney Tuck
Colleen Simpson
Christina McCabe
KRISTINA HOLZWEISSLong Island LEADS, SLIME - Students of Long Island Maker Expo, Bay Shore Middle School
Nancy KatherCenter for Instruction, Technology and Innovation (CiTi BOCES)
Gerald PatersonTabernacle Elementary School
Scott Hazen
Kaitlin IlnitzkiBETA Academy
Niki Anderson
Molly SmithFriends School of Baltimore
Megan Nieman
Edwin Minguela
Scott MarshallThe Tatnall School
Christopher UrbanzRock Ridge H.S.
Rachel IrvinOak Ridge Elementary School
Erin MurphyEast Penn School District
Dean Fecher
Sean WheelerDesign Lab ECHS - Cleveland Municipal; School District
Linda Cole
Anneke Radin-SnaithNaples Central School
Tara Thornton
Jessica RaleighDenver Public Schools
Laurie Doran
Karen HuangEdu-Tech Academic Solutions
Melissa Beemsterboer
Cassandra GaulGeorgia Virtual School
Henry Fisher
Shannon HauserLaBrum Middle School
Christine SkinnerTabernacle Twp. School District
Adam DurantFirstHand (University City Science Center)
Deb Schiano
Rayanne Pirozzi
Lauren Stout
Kimberly WilcoxFort Osage School District
Margaret SislerFairfax County Public Schools
Khushboo JainDrexel University
Scott DeTrayBrecksville-Broadview Heights High School
Dan GallagherWest Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District
Lori Huber
Chris AlfanoSLA, Jarvus
Katie Godfrey
Heather SlatoffEast Penn School District
Brent Landrum
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