← Conversations

Leveraging Student Interest to Engage Learners: An Exploration of Sneakerhead Culture

Session 4
Allison Aubry — Julia R Masterman School

We will review strategies to engage student interest and build relationships naturally, we will go over what sneaker head culture is and some facts on sneakers and the industry, we will make our own connections to our classroom and have time to share our wonderful wealth of knowledge that we have together, and then there will be actual work and collaboration time where you can start to plan out a lesson with feedback for your peers and myself. At the end, I will ask that you share your ideas and we reflect with each other and go over any questions you may have.

Conversational Practice

We will have a living google document and google drive folder that teachers will share the lesson plan ideas they got from the lesson and be able to share their cross curricular ideas and continue the conversation virtually over the document.

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