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Human-Centered Wellness

Session 4
Shira Woolf Cohen, Tiffany Searles — Innovageous

Let’s delve into the transformative potential of human-centered wellness in schools, focusing on how it fosters holistic success for students and staff alike. Leading with human-centered wellness means prioritizing the social, emotional, and physical wellbeing of all stakeholders, moving beyond simply meeting basic needs to create a supportive, balanced community. By embracing this approach, schools can address the multifaceted impact of physical spaces, emotional climate, and social support systems, fostering environments where individuals feel safe, valued, and empowered to thrive.

In this collaborative conversation, we will discuss practical strategies for embedding human-centered wellness into middle and high school settings. Participants will examine how to design programs and policies that prioritize holistic wellbeing, tackle challenges such as stress, burnout, and disengagement, and promote resilience. By sharing insights and best practices, we’ll work together to identify actionable approaches that create a culture of wellness, emotional intelligence, and sustainable growth in educational communities. This session is an opportunity for educators to reconsider traditional wellness approaches, exploring new ways to cultivate personal balance, wellbeing, and a deep sense of connection across their school communities.

Conversational Practice

Our team uses the following principles as a guide when facilitating group conversations:

Establish Ground Rules: Clearly communicate expectations for respectful communication, active listening, and turn-taking.

Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust the discussion flow as needed to address emerging topics or concerns.

Prepare Conversation Starters: Have a few icebreaker questions or prompts ready to initiate discussion and engage participants.

Physical Space Arrangement: Arrange chairs in a circle to foster a sense of equality and connection.

Use a Talking Piece: Introduce a designated object that signifies who has the floor to speak, ensuring everyone gets a chance to share.

Encourage Participation: Prompt quieter participants to share their thoughts and perspectives.

Maintain Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of shared information within the circle.

Time Management: Be mindful of time constraints and ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to speak.

Summarize Key Points: Briefly recap the main insights and themes that emerged from the discussion.

Action Steps: If appropriate, discuss potential next steps or follow-up actions based on the conversation.

Conversation Links

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