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Deja Vu All Over Again

Session 1
Jennifer Orr, Dr. Karen Work Richardson — Fairfax County Public Schools, University of Richmond, Old Dominion University

It has been almost 20 years since the rise of Web 2.0 led to conversations about changing pedagogy to take advantage of collaborative, innovative, and creative technologies in schools. With the rise of artificial intelligence, similar conversations are taking place. In this session, we will consider the lessons from the past that we can apply to the present to help lead to the kind of lasting change we envision for our students. In a way, the battle is harder now as required curriculum and high stakes testing are more ingrained than ever, often discouraging creative, digital pedagogy.

Add in panic over widespread cheating on often outdated and culturally irrelevant assignments, and we see the same kind of bans being placed on the use of AI that we saw in the early days of the 21st century. Remember when no one was allowed to use Wikipedia? How can we move more quickly this time to get past the urge to ban past the urge to ban and into the kind of in-depth discussions we need about how to support our students in learning how to use a tool that will potentially revolutionize the way they learn, work and live?

Conversational Practice

Project Zero Thinking Routines will be utilized for Considering Controversies, Dilemmas, and Perspectives and Digging Deeper into Ideas.

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