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7 Steps to Find Joy and Purpose in Teaching

Session 6
Sean Nank — Elected board member for the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)

Teachers can’t advocate for all students unless we advocate for ourselves. Critical to self-advocacy is knowing who you are and want to be as a mathematics educator so you can use your voice to elevate all student voices. Participants in this session will learn about their passion for teaching so they can center their advocacy for all students in purposeful outcomes. The session will be equally divided into seven stages: 1) Find your purpose - so you can center your advocacy in your purpose. 2) Find your personality - as a teacher so you can help all students embrace their personalities. 3) Find your people - advocacy doesn’t happen alone. 4) Find your pedagogy - that creates space for ALL students to learn. 5) Find your protocol - for assessments and grading, ensuring grading is a celebration rather than a barrier. 6) Find your perseverance - because advocating for students takes years. 7) Find your peace - so your passion for ALL students grows instead of faltering through the years. Participants will engage in extended conversions initiated with stories from the "presenter" (or more accurately, "converser") in his 29 years of teaching. Every one of the seven steps fosters an understanding of where teachers were, where they are, and what they purposefully want their teaching and classrooms to look and feel like.

Conversational Practice

Within each of the seven steps, the protocol for engaging in conversations is to: 1) Initiate engagement with a brief and true story from the presenter. 2) Use the story to elicit participants’ stories and group them using different strategies (like think/pair/share, stronger and clearer, and co-crafted questions) to engage in small-group conversations. 3) Participants will then share-out in the larger group. 4) The lead will offer actionable items and protocols to help teachers and keep the conversation going long after the conference.

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